How to Use Muriatic Acid Safely

There seems to be a limitless number of products available to clean, strip, etch, degrease, and brighten various surfaces around the home, yard, and workshop. And while most of these sprays, powders, cleansers, and solutions work fairly well, when applied as directed, finding the exact-right one for your specific cleaning chore can be frustratingly difficult.

And that’s especially true when you’ve tried several products to no avail. When you’ve reached that point, it’s time to use something a bit stronger, something with a long history of being able to clean the uncleanable. It’s time to learn how to use muriatic acid.

Muriatic acid is a slightly less potent form of hydrochloric acid. However, it’s still extremely caustic and, if used improperly, it can burn skin and clothing, and eat through some metals. And inhaling the acidic fumes can irritate the lining of lungs and nasal passages. That’s why muriatic acid is typically used as a last-resort option, when all other cleaning products and methods have failed.

The good news is that anyone can safely use muriatic acid by following the safety guidelines and suggestions listed below. And after the safety tips, you’ll find a list of some common uses for this powerful cleaner.

→ Beforeusing muriatic acid, carefully read the label directions to ensure you’reusing it correctly and safely. If you have any questions, contact themanufacturer.

→ Keepthe work area clear of all children and pets. And be sure to provideplenty of ventilation. Never use muriatic acid in an enclosed space.

→ When handling muriatic acid, always wear protective gear, including wrap-aroundeye goggles, dual-cartridgerespirator, faceshield, acid-resistantrubber gloves, rubber boots, pants (not shorts), and long-sleevedshirt.

How to Use Muriatic Acid Safely

→ Alwaysdilute muriatic acid in water; never use it full strength. First, pour thewater into a plastic (never metal) bucket, and then very slowly add theacid. Never add the acid first; pouring water into acid could cause acidto splash out.

→ Muriaticacid should only be mixed with water, never with any other chemical orcleaning product.

→ Besure to keep a neutralizing agent nearby in case you accidentally spillthe muriatic acid. Suitable neutralizers include pulverizedgarden lime, baking soda, and plain water.

→ If any muriaticacid splashes onto your skin, immediately wash the affected area in clean,cool water.

→ Always store muriatic acid in its original container,and well out of reach of children.

→ Contact municipal authorities to learn how to safelydispose of leftover muriatic acid. Never pour muriatic acid down adrain, into the street or onto the ground.

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Clean and etch concrete—Muriaticacid is extremely effective at cleaning concrete walls and floors,including both poured concrete and concrete block. It’s particularly wellsuited for removing stubborn efflorescence, which is a white, powderysubstance that forms on masonry surfaces. (Efflorescence is caused bysalts leaching out of concrete.) And when applied to concrete, muriaticacid also etches the surface, which prepares it for a fresh coat of paintor stain.To clean and etch concrete, mix one part muriatic acid to 10 parts water.Brush or spray the acid solution on the concrete, wait eight to 10 minutes,then neutralize the acid by spraying the surface with a mixture of one cupof ammonia in one gallon of water.

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Kill Mold—Use muriatic acid to killstubborn mold and mildew on hard surfaces, such as brick, tile, concrete, and stone. Mix one part muriatic acid to eights parts water, then spray orbrush the solution onto the moldy area. Wait a few minutes, then scrubwell with a nylonbrush. Rinse the area well with clean water.

Renew Swimming Pools—Restore dirty, stainedconcrete swimming pool surfaces to sparkling-new condition with muriaticacid diluted one part acid to 16 parts water. Spray the solution onto theconcrete, wait 10 minutes, then scrub with a long-handled nylon brush.Then immediately rinse the pool with a garden hose. Muriatic acid can alsobe used to lower the acidity of the pool’s water if the pH is too high.Just be sure to testthe pH level before swimming to confirm the treatment lowered the acidityto the proper level, which is usually between 7.2 and 7.8.

Cleaning Bathrooms—Muriatic acid isn’t yourfirst option when cleaning bathrooms—it’s probably not even your 10th option—but after trying all other cleansers, muriatic acid can be used toclean badly stained and extremely dirty surfaces. Dilute it one part acidto 10 parts water for cleaning glazed tile, grout joints, and porcelainfixtures, such as sinks, tubs and toilets. After scrubbing with thediluted acid, wash down the area with clean water.

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