Letter: Coquitlam resident believes B.C. should mirror Quebec and 'put their foot down' amid COVID-19

I am writing this letter on behalf of many people who are tired with the government and how they are dealing with COVID-19.

You are closing the gym where masks are mandatory and where you must wash the equipment after use, but you keep the public pools open where people are walking around with no mask on and swimming with no mask on.

We are tired of having to go to the malls, schools, liquor stores and doctor's offices where we know that there are unvaccinated people.

It is time the government put its foot down like they are doing in Quebec: Fine those that are not vaccinated, do not allow them in liquor or cannabis stores.

The B.C. government needs to stop spending the dollars of the vaccinated taxpayers for medical care of the unvaccinated who are getting ill.

Stop all MSP coverage for the unvaccinated.

Letter: Coquitlam resident believes B.C. should mirror Quebec and 'put their foot down' amid COVID-19

Do not allow unvaccinated children, teens and young adults in school if they and/or their parents are not vaccinated.

We, the vaccinated people of B.C., are tired of being punished for the unvaccinated people of B.C.

It is time you put your foot down and give the unvaccinated the ultimatum: Get vaccinated or get punished.

We miss walking around and seeing the smile on people's faces; we are tired of hearing people complain about how we are being denied things because of the unvaccinated people.

The unvaccinated people feel that they are winning their fight against the government believing that you will eventually say, "Well, the majority are vaccinated so let us get back to normal."

Do not do this!

The last I heard was people saying [B.C. provincial health officer] Dr. Bonnie Henry needs to shut us down or open us up, but none of this in between BS.

Speaking of which, how did you decide to close the gym and yoga studios but leave the pools open?

(Editor's note: The name of the letter writer has now been removed at the request of the author due to her receiving numerous death threats from anti-vaxxers. This is, of course, unacceptable and a shameful reaction to a viewpoint.)