Cleaning expert shows how to tidy an entire room in less than five minutes

Cleaning your home can often feel like a long and arduous task and it's easy to let dusting and vacuuming slip off your to-do list.

But keeping on top of cleaning doesn't have to be the bane of your life.

A cleaning guru has shared her easy method for tidying a whole room in just five minutes. It might not sound like a long time, but it certainly gets the job done.

The professional organiser, who goes by Neat Caroline on TikTok, shared a time-lapse video of her speed cleaning her living room quickly and without any fuss with her 58,700 followers.

In the clip, Caroline runs through the exact steps she takes to make sure she gets the job done in under five minutes — which starts with setting a timer to make sure you don't overrun.

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First, she starts by decluttering the room and removing anything that "doesn't belong".

"That’s food, sweaters, books, chargers from the night before,” she explained.

Next, Caroline puffs up the pillows on the sofa and folds the throw over the arm to make the room "instantly neat and tidy".

Cleaning expert shows how to tidy an entire room in less than five minutes

Then she wipes away any "glaringly obvious" smudges and stains from surfaces and mirrors using her homemade multi-purpose spray made with half vinegar and half water

“I’m not doing a thorough clean here because it’s just five minutes – so anything that stands out to you, clean it,” she explains.

Caroline uses a handy, portable caddy to store her cleaning products

Caroline then quickly dusts the TV with a microfiber cloth and tossed her cat toys into a basket and quickly vacuumed the main section of the floor.

"If you don't have the time or energy, that's totally fine," she added.

At the end of the clip, Caroline shows that she has two seconds remaining on the timer - meaning it took less than five minutes to clean the room.

The video has since been watched more than 8,800 times and Caroline's fans loved the tips.

One viewer said: "Couldn’t have come at a better time! My ‘22 reso is to clean my home frequently."

Another added: "That’s perfect Same with kitchen and dining room."

Do you have a tip to share? We want to hear all about it. Email us at

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