This Sink Cleaning Trick Will Remove Stains You Thought Were Impossible To Get Rid Of

Cleaning a sink doesn't have to be a daunting task, but it certainly can be. Dishes pile up, grime accumulates, mysterious smells begin to appear seemingly out of nowhere—we'll stop there. You get the picture: Sinks can get seriously nasty if you let them, but an hour's worth of tedious cleaning should rid you of your dirty sink woes—right?

Not necessarily. Sometimes deposits from hard water, or water high in minerals, remain, leaving stains on your otherwise pristine sink. These white crusty deposits build up over time, forming pesky rims all over your sink and clouding your faucet's metallic shine. A soap-covered rag isn't enough to remove these deposits, and hours spent scrubbing will likely lead nowhere—no matter how much determination and elbow grease is involved.

This Sink Cleaning Trick Will Remove Stains You Thought Were Impossible To Get Rid Of

As it turns out, the secret to your sink's success is actually hiding in your cupboard, as we've recently learned from a game-changing YouTube video. Ridding yourself of hard water deposits doesn't require the purchase of any fancy cleaner or hard-to-pronounce chemical—the answer lies within your vinegar bottle. That's it. Just plain old vinegar.

Apparently, the vinegar's acidity makes it great at dissolving tough minerals, like the calcium found in hard water. Simply soak a rag in vinegar and drape it over the affected area—making sure the area is dry to begin with. You'd hate to dilute your powerful vinegar with any water (and you'd really hate to get any hard water back in the mix)! After carefully pressing the rag into all the crevices of your target area, pour even more vinegar on top of it. You want to make sure the rag is as saturated as possible. Plus, a huge container of vinegar should only cost a few bucks, so you don't have much to lose.

After you let the rag sit for an hour, you'll want to grab a trusty sponge to finish off the job. Try to find a soft one and remain gentle with your scrubbing. A sponge that's too rough or scrubbing that's too hard could scratch up your sink, which is arguably worse than having hard water deposits in the first place. That said, the deposits should come off fairly easily. Areas with extreme build-up may require you to repeat this procedure once or twice, but try to remain patient. A beautifully reflective and clean sink is totally worth it!

For a full tutorial on how to get that picture-perfect sink you've been dreaming of, watch the video below.