If you're lazy AF, you'll love these 40 clever things on Amazon

My fellow lazy people, the reality is there are household tasks we eventually have to do whether we like it or not. But here's the thing: you can work smarter not harder with these brilliant products for people who are lazy AF.

If you're lazy AF, you'll love these 40 clever things on Amazon

Seriously, you need these things that make everyday living so much easier. Take the globe stakes that mean you don't have to water your plants for two weeks or the dish spray that activates on contact so you don't have to scrub plates. I even found compostable plates so you can skip doing the dishes altogether while still being eco-friendly. And the lace clips that mean you never have to tie your shoes again? Yep, you need them. They come in any color you could want to match your favorite sneakers.

Seriously, these clever items will save you time and let you be a couch potato when you want to be. I'm talking about glasses that let you read or watch Netflix while staying completely horizontal. Also, an extra-long phone charger that finally lets you scroll without your phone giving up on you mid-TikTok. Keep reading for the gamechangers that will let you be lazy and live better.