How to clean blinds – quick and easy ways to clean vertical, Venetian, Roman blinds and more

Knowing how to clean blinds isn't most people's number one skill, and it's a job that often gets overlooked too. However, blinds can oh so quickly become mucky and unsightly if they aren't given the attention they deserve.

How to clean blinds – quick and easy ways to clean vertical, Venetian, Roman blinds and more

Whether you're tackling dusty vertical blinds, seriously food-speckled roller blinds in your kitchen, grubby Venetians or another type of blind – mini blinds maybe – you'll be able to get them dust-free and clean in not so long at all, with minimum effort, of course. After all, if you've got super clean windows but dirty blinds, they are just going to let the side down...

Bravo on your clean blinds 👏